The Nurses Climate Challenge is a national campaign to mobilize nurses and educate health professionals on the impacts of climate change on human health. Together with other Nurse Climate Champions from across the country, you have the power to launch a movement of health professionals committed to taking action to protect the health of their patients and communities from the worst impacts of climate change.
Health care is at the frontline of climate change, bearing the costs of increased disease prevalence and more frequent extreme weather events. At the same time, the health sector is also a significant contributor to climate change, making up 8.5% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
If we take action now, we can help prevent the worst effects of climate change and simultaneously improve health outcomes. As the most trusted profession and making up 40% of the health care workforce, nurses have the potential to launch a movement of health professionals committed to climate solutions.
The Nurses Climate Challenge invites you to participate in a partnership model between our initiative and Sigma Chapters across the country. Help achieve the overarching goal of preparing all nurses to better care for patients and communities in a world with a changing
climate by joining the Sigma Chapter Commitment.
Climate change is gaining attention as a health threat, making it an important aspect of nursing care – yet the inclusion of curricular content addressing climate and health is not yet the norm in nursing programs. The Nurses Climate Challenge can provide the resources for your chapter to educate its members and community on this critically important topic.
Would your Sigma Chapter like to commit to educating nurses about climate and health? Learn
more about the commitment and the Sigma Chapter partners here.